While we can certainly sympathize, having been exposed to our own similar experiences during several adoptee searches, we encourage those who need more than a shoulder to lean on to seek out support, literature, other search groups, or even professional counseling on your journey. While we will try our best to guide our clients, we are not above making a referral to another organization that can take your search into a different direction. After all, we want you to succeed when we feel we cannot take you any further performing our methodologies.

search resources

  • CUB (Concerned United Birthparents) has very helpful national and local gatherings and support groups.

  • DNAadoption - Their site is the repository for documentation about using your DNA results. While the site was originally conceived for adoptees, it is proving to be useful for genealogy as well. Their goal is to help you find the answers you are looking for through the use of DNA testing and more traditional adoption search methods. Many people have been searching for years without success and are asking the question: Can DNA testing really help me? The answer (honestly) is “possibly”. They also offer inexpensive Adobe PDF based online classes on interpreting your DNA results and ask/answer questions in a Moodle based forum environment.

  • DNAAdoption yahoo group is a place to discuss DNA and Adoption.

  • The Digital Public Library of America - DPLA connects people to the riches held within America’s libraries, archives, museums, and other cultural heritage institutions. All of the materials found through DPLA—photographs, books, maps, news footage, oral histories, personal letters, museum objects, artwork, government documents, and so much more—are free and immediately available in digital format.

  • Genealogy for Kids: Building a Family Tree:
    It includes details about how people are descended from an ancestor, how people are related to each other, where families are from, how they may have traveled from country to country, where they lived, what kind of work they did, and what sorts of lives they led.

  • House History and Genealogy:

  • ICSA China - DNA testing for Chinese Adoptees

  • Jewishgen.org provides a wide range of resources including databases, family-finder, articles, societies, projects and other resources to help those with Jewish ancestry research.

  • Lost Daughters is an independent collaborative writing project founded in 2011. It is edited and authored exclusively by adult women who were adopted as children. Our name was chosen in the spirit of BJ Lifton's concept of one's Self becoming "lost" and "found" throughout the journey of being adopted.

  • Researching Your Family's History from Ships Passenger Lists: https://www.hmy.com/researching-your-familys-history-from-ships-passenger-lists/

  • SoaringAngels - is a yahoo group created for adoption search, support and reunions. They are there to hopefully help you reconnect with your birth family lost to you through adoption.

  • The-Seeker has a dedicated group of volunteer search angels.

State specific search resources

  • Finding in Florida is a Yahoo group for anyone involved in an adoption search in Florida. It is intended as a forum for the exchange of search information, search ideas, and search legwork. It is also meant to be a source of support and understanding in helping to deal with the frustration and stress of an adoption search.

  • Homestead Adoption Search and Reunion - is a Yahoo group created for Adoptees and Birthmothers from Homestead Adoption Agency in Fort Worth, TX.

International resources

  • The mission of Also-Known-As, Inc. is to empower the voice of adult international adoptees, build cultural bridges, transform perceptions of race, and acknowledge the loss of the birth country, culture, language and biological family experienced by international adoptees.

  • Antenati - An extensive amount of Italian genealogical archives useful for personal data research. A bounty of information to help reconstruct your Italian family history from.

  • CARREFOUR ADN - A French/Canadian Facebook site that provides guidance for people to identify their biological connections with family members and ancestors. They propose several means to accomplish this which include documentation, training activities, genealogy orientation and assistance in DNA test interpretation. They also have a website that contains a library section, you can read in French, and download and print two hundred and fifty page training manual.

  • China’s Children International - Founded in 2011, China's Children International (CCI for short) is one of the first international support, networking, and community organizations created by and for Chinese adoptees. CCI may still be available for helping adoptees in search for their birth family. Take a look at their resources here.

  • Essential Websites for Austro-Hungarian Genealogy - This article covers 25 essential websites specific to Austro-Hungarian research. For the novices out there, some of these sites may serve as a place to get started. For the more experienced researchers, perhaps a few of the sites listed may be ones you haven’t heard about or visited that can help to get you through those pesky brick walls.

  • Irish Church Records - contains images from the NLI’s collection of Catholic parish register microfilms. The registers contain records of baptisms and marriages from the majority of Catholic parishes in Ireland and Northern Ireland up to 1880.

  • A Norwegian website dedicated to providing tools to trace your lineage from the National Library of Norway, the National Archives of Norway and Slekt og Data; the largest genealogy association in Norway.

General genealogy and historic sites

  • New York City and the Historical Ellis Island - More than a tourist stop, Ellis Island evokes feelings of fear and hope when reminiscing about the millions of immigrants who entered the United States through this historic place.

  • Encyclopedia Britannica - A general breakdown of the history and study of genealogy. Including a link describing genetic testing and how it is used in modern genealogy today.

  • The National Genealogical Society - To serve and grow the genealogical community by providing education and training, fostering increased quality and standards, and promoting access to and preservation of genealogical records.

  • The National Archives and Records Administration - is the nation's record keeper. Anyone who has cleaned out a family attic knows the importance of keeping family records. You may have military records from relatives who served in one of the World Wars—or even the Civil War. Or pictures of your great-great grandparents on the day they became American citizens. Or the canceled check that paid for your first home. Many people know the National Archives as the keeper of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. But we also hold in trust for the public the records of ordinary citizens.
