Looking to upgrade to a more advanced search?

Are you looking to upgrade an existing search you submitted sometime in the past? Look no further.

flat rate yearly or monthly subscription levels

We now have two different search levels available for faster-paced searches.

The first is the flat rate yearly search upgrade, a reduced cost paid annually for your search.

The other option is to pay for a monthly subscription for your search, which is more expensive but could be less costly than a yearly purchase because your search has the potential to end much sooner than twelve months into it. NOTE: Either choice is a one-time charge. We will NOT renew your search level again.

Our faster-paced searches will ensure that your case gets assigned to a search angel as soon as possible instead of waiting in our basic search queue for an available volunteer to work on it.

Yearly - SUBSCRIPTION search upgrade

Understand that once you commit to paying for a yearly service rate, you will not be refunded any previous monthly fee you submitted. For this reason, we encourage you to decide to change your service level at the end of whichever choice you made in the past is about to expire. We have updated these purchases, so they will not auto-renew after one year. This is a one-time charge.


monthly - subscription search upgrade

Would you instead purchase a monthly subscription for your search? The following levels of search are recurring costs that go toward your search each month. Even if the search exceeds the cost of a flat rate yearly purchase over twelve months, these monthly fees make it easier for some people to devote a lower up-front cost towards their expedited search. NOTE: When your case closes, you need to log in to your case and cancel your subscription.

Understand that once you commit to paying for a monthly service rate, you will not be refunded any previous fee you submitted in the past. For this reason, we encourage you to decide to change your service level at the end of whichever choice you made in the past is about to expire. Note: month-to-month subscriptions will not auto-renew after twelve months of purchases.

$25.00 every month for 1 year
$50.00 every month for 1 year
$100.00 every month for 1 year
$165.00 every month for 1 year
$335.00 every month for 1 year

If you have any questions or concerns before making a choice to upgrade, feel free to reach out to us using our contact form.