Message from our founder

I am a self-taught genealogist, an avid learner of genetic DNA testing methods, and a traditional searcher who has spent much of my time helping adoptees with their searches. I consider my adoptee friends not dissimilar to actual brothers and sisters because we all come from similar backgrounds and experiences. Although no two search journeys are alike, there may be some similarities I faced that you, too, have been challenged with.

I come from a technical background and work in Information Technology. However, it was not always my field of choice. I once spent much time restoring artwork and recasting picture frames damaged by years of neglect. On many levels, you can say I have always been attracted to broken things that needed fixing.

My latest interest has become my deepest devotion: helping others find their birth families. It has become my philanthropy. While this interest has unique obstacles and outcomes that may not always end in the way people want, many searches lead those few fortunate and dedicated people to something life-changing…a profound truth.

While we make every effort to help you perform the bulk of your search, there will be times when there are just not enough resources or time for us to do so entirely. However, with significant guidance, encouragement, science, and traditional search methodologies, we have helped thousands of people find what they sought.

Searching is only the first step that some may not find peace with, but those who do find what they were looking for still face the challenge of reunion. Coming to terms with the guilt associated with one's friends and adopted family, balanced with the lifetime of separation from biological relatives, is, without a doubt, a process that can be a mixture of joy, pain, hope, happiness, and incredible emotional turbulence.

Each of our volunteers has extensive experience working with adoptees and the adoption community. We all have a natural interest in what makes us who we are. Yet not all of us are fortunate enough to know where we began from generations of our biological ancestors. We aim to bring your search to its conclusion with sensitivity and ultimately reveal the hidden truth behind your conception into this world.